It is hard to miss the influence of the forestry industry in the community. It provides several choices for exploring the Peace Country. North will take you through Husdons Hope and the hydro electric dams. Travel South will connect you with the coal mining town of Tumbler Ridge. East takes you into Dawson Creek Mile Zero of the Alaska Highway. There are lots of opportunities to explore, camp, hike and enjoy water in the region.
Of interest…
Chain Saw Carvings – There are close to 200 carving located throughout the community. The top prize-winning carvings are retained and distributed around the community.
Information Centre – Get a map of the carvings from the information Centre located at the Fire Fall on the west side of Chetwynd.
Lumber Mill – located in town
Calendar of Events
Annual International Chainsaw Carving Competition. Held over 4 days covering the second weekend in June.
For more information