
Located 354 km north of Vancouver on Highway #1. Traffic through the community has dropped off significantly since the opening of the Coquihalla Highway through the mountains that bypassed the Fraser and Thompson River Canyons. North of the community the Junction of Hwy 99 near the Historic Hat Creek Ranch takes you to Lillooet and onto Pemberton and Whistler or continue south through the beauty of the Fraser Canyon.

The name is derived, apparently, from a cache or buried and hidden supply and trade goods depot used by the fur traders.

14 km east of Cache Creek are fossil deposits on the hillside north of the highway.

Of interest…

Visitor Information Centre

Historic Hat Creek Ranch

Horsting’s Farm Market

McAbee Fossil bed

Gold Rush Country Information


Calendar of Events

Cache Creek Market – Sat. 9 am – 1 pm at corner of Hwy1 and Hhy 97

Graffiti Days Classic Car Weekend – 3rd week of Sept

For more information

Visit Cache Creek

The Gold Rush Trail – Cariboo Wagon Road – Virtual Tour
