
It is situated on the Saskatchewan River, between two man-made lakes, Tobin and Codette Lake. Nipawin got its name from the Voyageurs word “nipawewin” meaning “waiting place,” for wife & children.

Prior to 1928, there was really very little way of having contact with the “other side of the river” but in 1928 the CPR built a million-dollar bridge over the Saskatchewan River. The train still travels over the bridge and became known as Nipawin’s crooked bridge.

Of interest…

Cadot Lake Hydro Dam

Cadot & Tobin Lake Fishing

Living Forestry Museum

Nipawin Regional Park Camping

2 Golf Courses

Event Calendar

Nipawin Farmers Market – 7:45 am to noon Thursdays

Living Forestry Museum – Canada Day Celebrations

Northwest Round-Up Rodeo – End of July

Nipawin 5 acres Shaker Music Festival – August, 2.5 km east

For more information

Tourism – Nipawin
